Immigrants built the United States of America, and they built California.  Our state has been enriched by their contributions for generations.  Unfortunately, the lack of border enforcement on the 140 miles that California shares with Mexico has created a humanitarian crisis that is neither compassionate nor sustainable. California must work with the federal government in a bipartisan fashion to solve this issue once and for all.  The time for inaction is over.

Secure the Border

  • Work with the federal government to stop illegal border crossings
  • Abolish Sanctuary State policies and ensure local law enforcement is free to collaborate with federal partners when dealing with illegal immigrants who commit crimes
  • Combat the illicit drug and human trafficking organizations that are destroying our state


Keeping Communities Safe

  • Prioritize the deportation of violent criminals from our jail and prison systems
  • End sanctuary for illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes


Strengthen the Economy

  • Support guest worker programs to ensure all of California’s vital industries have the help they need, and work with the federal government on a reasonable path to citizenship for hard working, law abiding residents
  • Make it easier for law abiding immigrant workers to enter the workforce

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