Transportation & Infrastructure
As the largest state in America, California can lead the way on transportation by creating innovative, environmentally-conscious, and economical transit solutions across the state. Instead, Californians have to deal with the most expensive gas tax, some of the worst traffic, and a non-existent “train to nowhere”.
Transportation affordability
- Suspend the Gas Tax, which is the highest in the nation
- Prevent toll increases on working Californians
Infrastructure investment
- Reduce traffic congestion by expanding HOV Lanes and investing in infrastructure projects that Californians actually need– like freeway expansions
- Cancel the high speed rail project and utilize remaining funding for needed infrastructure projects
- Conduct a full audit of all of the spending on the High Speed Rail Project. This boondoggle was once predicted to cost $33 billion dollars. It is now slated to cost over $100 billion dollars with no end in sight